Franziska Bauer

25 years, Germany

Dance educationalist

Today, again, I reached the point asking myself, where does it all lead? What do I want to do with my life? Where do I want to put my attention? How to continue?

Already in 11th grade I could not sit still in class and learn all that, at least for me, absurd, and empty study content. Therefore I decided for myself, that I did not want to go school anymore. I searched, I wanted to changed and I found: much resistance and at the same my much support. By what I learned that there are uncountable opportunities out there: I went to Noway, finished my high school education even one year early than usual, traveled, learned languages, worked, discoverer the world, earned money under good labor conditions, with that I could do my education as a dance educationalist at a private school, lived in life projects, worked as a free-lancer in a wonderful team, realized projects with other young people....

During the first Youth Future Conference 2010 and the ViA (Visionaries in Action Conference) 2012 I witnessed speeches and workshops arranged by the Laureates of the "Alternative NObel Prize". The encounter was so impressive to me, because there was so much openness, energy, happiness and motivation and over all unbelievable committeemen for a meaningful and livable life on earth (in the future). Therefore I see much potential in the gathering and co-operation between young committed people and the Laureates. I believe in the possibility, that we can have an societal and political impart if we really act meaningful and inclusive. Therefore I joined the Conference Organizing Team and am looking forward to the peoplesī meeting in Bonn.