Studies political and social science
Head of steering comittee of NAJU-Germany
From early age on I was active in several clubs and committees in school and in
my local community, as well as in my hometown church. My engagement has been very
diverse- Teamer for a youth camp, School leader and organizing “Days of sustainability”
for younger grades. After my A-Levels I have worked as a volunteeer for the German Youth
Association for the Protection of nature (NAJU), which gave me inside-knowledge of the
structure and work of an NGO. I also gained skills of environmental education, especially
for children. Since October 2012 I can consider myself head of the steering committee of
NAJU and I am deeply involved in the preparation for the Youth Future Conference 2013.
In 2010 is was lucky enough to join the first Youth Future Conference in Bonn and to experience
the inspiring and motivating Laureates of the Alternative Nobel Prize. This encouraged me to
fight together with young people for a sustainable future. I want to give other young engaged
people the chance to also make this life-changing experience. I hope that we can build a
network all over Europe to bundle our energy, resources and spirit and to fight together
for a rethinking. This conference is a guide for interdisciplinary learning and I am
optimistic that this will lead us to future answers. “Hope is not what we find in evidence,
it’s what we become in action.” (Francis Moore Lappé)